I work a 9/80 schedule. In other words I work 80 hours in 9 days over two weeks. So I get every other Friday off. I love it!!!! Sweetie and I generally spend it together and we spend it doing fun stuff.
This Friday, after I took SuperPizzaBoy to school, we had breakfast and puttered around the grocery store for a little while. Then we loaded up the bicycles and headed off for the Arkansas River trails.
The River Parks in Tulsa are beautiful. They are one of the great features of the city.

It was a perfect day, warm, dry, sunny.

I just love cranes, don’t you??? A new restaurant is being built over the river. It is going to be way cool when completed.

Sights on the River.

Old Route 66 marks the north end of the River Trails.

I always like to go by the “Bear Fountain.”
Afterwards we refueled on Diet Doctor Pepper, dropped the bikes off, picked up our Pomeranian, Rascal, and went to pick SuperPizzaBoy up.

Hey Bud, if you had a better day than we did, you had a great day!

Nope, we are not at the end yet. Sorry, I know that I need to get my story told in 5 seconds, but you have stuck around this long, stick around a little longer. I promised an Adoption Story and that is coming up!
SPB is having his friend Nick over for a sleepover so we went to pick up Nick. I love picking up Nick, he and his family are very nice and they also have critters.

They also have dogs, cats, chickens, peacocks, and Guineafowl. I posted about the helmeted guineafowl last week.
Well, today I got to talking to Nick’s Dad. He said one of the peacocks had laid some eggs but they never hatched so he want to a farm supply store and got some guinea eggs and substituted them for the peacock eggs.
Well, the eggs hatched and the peacock acts like the mother of the guinea chicks and the chicks think the peacock is mom. It is hilarious. I got a little close to the chicks and Mom was hollering at me, she was not happy at all. Sorry about the blurry photo. It was the best I could do without totally stressing her out.

What do you like to do on your days off?