Do y’all remember that time when Sweetie was trying to figure out what to do for her mother’s birthday? Do you.

She couldn’t figure out what to do until she fueled her imagination with a tiny bit of liquid inspiration.

I remember what she said, Oh I about died, it was perfect, it was brilliant. Do you remember what I said to her? Do ya? Huh? Yeah, I’m not repeating it. I told her that she didn’t have …. if she didn’t do it. You remember that? I double dog dared her is what I did. She’s a genius Sweetie is. I’ll tell you that much.
Oh yeah, Nana should have known something was up! Yeah she should have but she didn’t. Do ya remember that it was only noon and we popped open some bubbly? Do ya?

Didn’t you love this sight. Nana sipping on a little bubbly. I hadn’t seen her sip anything in years. You could tell she was a little nervous. She didn’t know where we were taking her. Do ya remember that? Do you remember what Sweetie told her? It was great, Sweetie told that she had it under control. Oh, I about rolled, it was great.

And then do you remember when Travis showed up? Oh Nana didn’t know what to think about guy showing with balloons saying Happy Birthday. Didn’t she, huh? She was nervous. I think she thought he was from Chippendales. Yeah, she didn’t know what was going on. I laughed so hard. Look at Sweetie, she about died.

Sweetie hired a limo for the afternoon. Isn’t that wild. That’s not something the Yogi’s do. That’s why I had to double dog dare her. A double dog dare has to be answered.
Do you remember the ride, wasn’t it wild.
There is me and Sweetie. She’s into it. We’re having a party. Notice Shannon in the background stealing a sip. Hey its sparkling cider! Yeah, you believe it, we are in a limo drinking sparkling cider?

Speaking of Shannon, wasn’t she just the best. That lady was crazy. Remember what she said about those pinpoint lights above her? Oh, it was great, I’m not repeating it. She was crazy, she was fun.

And Nana, the star, getting into it flanked by brother Bob, and Donna. You can tell Nana is getting into it already. Yeah, you remember that? One minute in the limo she acts like she has been riding limos all her life. I laughed so hard. That’s Nana, she’s irrepressible. You gotta move fast if you want to stay ahead of her.

And Patty and SPB. That Patty, she’s quiet but she is always in the thick of things. She’s game for anything. And who gave SPB a camera? That kid is crazy. He was out of control. Hey kid, let Dad see what you are taking picture of.

Where’d we go? Travis took us to the Philbrook Museum for lunch. You see mother and daughter? I was still laughing, Nana is happy and Sweetie is happy that Nana is happy. And I was happy that, well you get the picture.

Afterwards we toured the museum. Do you remember what that crazy Superpizzaboy was doing? Do you? Do you remember when he got busted by his mother taking pictures of the naked ladies? He about died he did. Look at his face. I about busted a gut. He is is so 12 years old. Waving at Santa Claus one minute, taking pictures of naked ladies the next.

Travis was cool, he took us on a tour of Utica Park before we went home. Here is a pic of the birthday crew.

Happy Birthday Nana! Hey Sweetie, what are we doing next year?