Category Archives: Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections – The River Runs Full

#skyviewers #sky #sunset #reflections #arkansasriver

We’ve had a lot of rain in Oklahoma lately, that coupled with rain in Kansas in the Arkansas River’s drainage area has led the Corp of Engineers to increase the flow tremendously in the river downstream of Keystone Dam. The river is now running bank full and is running very fast and carrying trees and debris with it.

A few years ago during a drought I walked clear across the river bottom (it has a rock bottom) to within 30 feet of the other bank. I wouldn’t get near the water now. A few weeks ago three young men drowned near where I took this photograph. 

Weekend Reflections

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Weekend Reflections – Mountain Lake Sunset


On our recent trip to Idaho my sister and I would grab our cameras as the sun went down and walk along with our families to find some pictures to take. I’ve learned that timing is everything at sunset. I want the deepest colors and I often find myself alone with just the mosquitoes for company. Sometimes I get a decent shot, many times I just have itches.

Late evening at a small lake near Island Park, Idaho.

Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections – Turkey Mountain

Wednesday evening after work I headed to Turkey Mountain. Much has been happening lately and I can always get my head on straight up on the Mountain.


It has been raining lately so the trails are not as dusty as they were last summer. 


There are even some sizeable puddles alongside some of the trails.

Puddle Reflection

I’ve been experimenting with puddle reflections lately. You can really do that during a drouth. The above is one of my favorites so far.


The Westside YMCA runs a day camp on the north side of the mountain. They had spruced up their trail signs. I could hear some loud drumming and yelling going on. I was curious about what was going on but I stayed away. 


I did stop and take a pic of their fishing pond though. Nice to see them starting to fill up again.


A previous employer of mine has a pipeline that runs across the mountain. I’m big into connectivity and I’m very familiar with this pipeline and the network it connects to. If I bang it with a hammer (I’d never do that of course it would damage the coating) I can just imagine the sound traveling from here to almost every state in the lower 48 and Canada and also Mexico. I have maps so that I can show you just how that would work. Of course, you would have to put your ears to the pipe and listen very attentively to hear me hammering.


My new trailrunning friend. We ran together for a little bit but I was too slow for him so he waved and was off.


At the parking lot, two final reflections, Cityplex Tower and the full moon both reflecting the sun back at me.