Saturday’s Critters – at Home

Kodi with his Thanksgiving tie

Here’s our one year old pomeranian, Kodi. He was kind of shaggy so he went to the groomer today and he got all trimmed up and got a special Thanksgiving tie to boot. He tore it off very quickly but we got a photo of him.


Here he is in the back yard. He loves picking up acorns and bringing them inside to trade for a treat.


And a black and white cat who shows up when it is dark.


And sometimes in broad daylight.


And a first sighting for this light colored cat.


And of course squirrels. We are inundated with them.

And I’m linking this week with Saturday’s Critters

10 thoughts on “Saturday’s Critters – at Home

  1. Eileen

    Kodi is adorable , the Thanksgiving tie is cute. Great captures of your stray kitties, they must like your yard.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. Amy

    That’s cool you have an outdoor webcam, what’s the strangest thing you’ve caught on it? Maybe I sbould get one to see what lurks outside at night here.

  3. Lavender Dreams

    I like the tie…so classy! And what a lot of critters in your backyard. We have lots of squirrels too and try to shoo them off from the feeders…good luck with that! hahaha!

  4. A ShutterBug Explores

    Kodi ~ you are one handsome dude ~ tie was cute for a bit ~ glad you got it off ~ ‘au naturel’ fits you better ~ Fun backyard critters videos too but Kodi ‘ steals the show.’ ~ But. of course! Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Vicki

    I love cute Kodi! Great shots of the other animals too. We have cats, chickens, ducks and sandhill cranes wondering my neighborhood.

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