Went on a hike on Turkey Mountain this week. (Like almost all weeks)
Checked out the new trail construction going on at the “String of Pearls.” Three ponds that used to be inaccessible because of thick shrubs and thorns.
Checked out the panoramic view at “The Hub” – the highest point on Turkey Mountain and has several trails going in and several going out including two wicked bicycle downhill runs.
We had a decent sunrise the house the other day.
I went to Philbrook Museum’s gardens and checked out the tulips.
And a perfectly formed maple tree.
Made a photo of tulips, a redbud tree, the Tempietto, and the sky.
I told my wife Heather all about it.
So I came back with her the very next day.
The tulips and everything else and more was still there.
Son Logan came with us and we checked out the Cabin.
And had some ice cream at a nearby place. A good time was had by all.
And yet another Lego critter, this time a zebra from our earlier trip to the Tulsa Botanic Garden.
Sharing on Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World
I am so very happy about the redevelopment of Turkey Mountain into a park and trail area. I know it holds a special place in your heart.
…there can NEVER be too many tulips, thanks for sharing yours. Ours are on their way.
I love your tulips – I only see them in photos or potted or cut flowers. They’re so wonderful in a bed full of flowers.
Lovely symmetry in the maple tree. There are patterns to find everywhere in nature but, wow, seeing it done with plastic Legos is pretty amazing too. 🙂
I love your sky captures and the beautiful tulips!
The Lego Zebra sculpture is cool.
Take care, enjoy your day!
Nice to see the family! Beautiful tulips, and nice to see the ponds are accessible now.
It is a great spot for you, and your readers!
We had 4″ snow today.
Wow~ Beautiful ‘photo trails’ to gorgeous tulips and ice cream too with the family ~ ! Fun!
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Es un bello camino. Los tulipanes enamoran. Te mando un beso.
I wonder if anyone logs more miles at Turkey Creek that you. I love that little cabin at the Philbrook. Looks like a nice family outing. Can’t wait to see some color next week.
Oh my the tulip picture is so great. Love the composition.
A nice family outing! I looked up tempietto. I saw what it was, but didn’t know that word. Does it have a floor, like a gazebo? Or? It looks like a water temple. At least the Sunol water temple in CA.
Great collection.
Very colorful
It most certainly is tulip time. They are so pretty.
Worth a Thousand Words
Great spring scenes. I love those reflections
Your hike and family outing sound fantastic.
And the tulips and views are breathtaking.
Happy Friday, Yogi!
I am continuing to love your area tulips and Lego animals. I’m happy you brought your family back the next day to share in the fun. Meanwhile, we had snow flurries this morning!
The thing with the pillars looks like someone made it in a roman style but I do like the glass windows in the cabin – those are cool.
So nice to see photos of you and your family. Tulips are pretty, so is the stained glass window. I remember seeing a similar Lego zebra a year ago.
Beautiful photos! I stumbled upon your post when I was visiting a blog that is part of the A to Z Challenge (Lisa, who commented above). I read your comment about being from Oklahoma, so I popped over to see where in OK and to say hello. I live in Joplin, and my sister in law and her husband (who loves to bike on Turkey Mountain) live in Tulsa. Your post showed me I need to go to Tulsa more often and take in the sights!
Awesome series of photos.
Beautiful flowers.
Happy Weekend.
Fantastic tulips and the photo with the red bud tree is well edited (thought, it was a magnolia).
Have e great sunday