Woodward Park Sculpture and Lomography with the Diana Mini Camera


Saturday I had a little time to myself while Logan was at his Improv Comedy class so I went to Woodward Park for a little geocaching and photography. My camera was the Lomography Diana Mini. It is a 35 mm film camera that has two modes. One of the modes is split frame where you can put two photographs on the same frame. Above are two sculptures side by side at the park.


The park has a network of trails that run through the azalea beds. I took pics of the trails ahead and behind me.


This is also a split frame mode photograph showing the mysterious funky little art deco memorial to Shakespeare. It was designed by Adah Robinson back in the 1930’s. She was an architect who is credit by some with the design of the art deco landmark, Boston Avenue Church.

Linnaeus Sculpture

The Diana Mini also has a full frame mode that is not quite full frame. It make square photographs. Did I say that the processing the camera’s film drives my Walgreens film guys either crazy or they love it? This sculpture is by Rosalind Cook of Carl Linnaeus at the entrance to the Linnaeus Teaching Gardens.

Poem's and Promises

This is another sculpture by Rosalind Cook called Poems and Promises. She donated it to the city in 2010. It sits in the Anne Hathaway Herb Garden. I just love this work.

Poems and Promises

This is a closeup.

So do you still use film cameras?

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3 thoughts on “Woodward Park Sculpture and Lomography with the Diana Mini Camera

  1. Gaelyn

    I love the sculptures, and the fact that you have so much fun with your cameras.

    I bought a Pentax film camera today at a thrift store with a couple of lenses and a teleconverter. I really ended up with it because I wanted the camera bag for $5 and it came with the deal. Even has the original instruction book. Wonder how hard it would be to find film.

  2. EG CameraGirl

    I so enjoy the photos you make with your limography camera. I’d be tempted myself but I am so darn cheap that I don’t want to purchase film, and the thought of processing it is painful. But I DO like seeing what you come up with!

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