1. Mirror
The bald headed guy is me sneaking a selfie with my no-tech low-fi film Lomography Diana Mini camera a few years ago at Tulsa’s Mayfest. I love film but it is getting harder to do. Walgreens tells me they are shutting down their in-store film processing nationwide in July. They will still take your film but they will then “send it off” as they say. I can send it off myself thank you very much!
2. Stripes
Memorial day is on Monday. What can I say? There is no way we can thank enough the people who laid their lives down for our Freedom. Be mindful is what I say.
3. Crisp
I love going tot the grocery store with my Ipod with the Hipstamatic App. The fruits and flowers are always fun. I noticed a long time ago that Sprouts forbids photographs of the interior of their store. Why I wonder? I’ll just do as I please thank you very much. Nobody has ever said anything to me. In doing my research I found out that Sprouts has now banned firearms from their stores. That’s kind of upset the crazies but I felt such a load of relief cuz I don’t think that they will shoot me for taking pictures.
4. Energy
Hey you know fracking is a dirty word these days. I don’t buy into it. I’m in the business though so don’t believe me so just check it out for yourself is all I ask. These rigs are drilling into the Cana Woodford Shale west of Oklahoma City.
5. Negative Space
Hmm, negative space. I am not sure I know exactly what it is but I’m nominating this work that I found in downtown Dallas last year. I think it is supposed to be a reflection of the inner realm of your outer consciousness, or maybe its the other way around. Maybe it is both simultaneously, or neither, simultaneously. Or maybe it is something that accidentally rolled off a truck earlier that day. Or not. Maybe the check bounced. Who knows?