Category Archives: Skywatch Friday

Christmas Skywatch – 2024

Hey you know life goes up and down and so does Christmas. This year was a restrained Christmas in our family. My sister came to visit for a few days beforehand and that was definitely a boost. Other factors came in that kind of restrained things. So we had a quiet Christmas. The sun didn’t shine and it was kind of misty rainy so above is my Christmas Skywatch photo. I’ll take it. Not much of a sky but I love the tree. And yes that is a filter I used on my phone. About four of them in fact.

And this is a shot from our driveway a few days beforehand. I kind of liked it. A wag on instagram said that the chemtrails ruined the photo. Get this folks, chemtrails are not real. There, that is my Christmas message to the world.

Another day, same driveway, looking the other way. I used distressedfx on this.

And this is a jigsaw puzzle that I did on my ipad.

Another jigsaw puzzle.

About this time of year, if you are on social media, you get all sorts of hits about apps that will do a yearly recap for you. So I bit on one, I did a couple of 2024 rehashes, one was about my life in general and another about 2024 skies. I saved the resulting videos and then cancelled my seven day free membership. I then inputted the videos to youtube and so above is my 2024 skywatch rehash. It only lasts 30 seconds and then starts over so don’t do what I did and watch it over and over until I realized what I was doing.

I watched a couple of NFL football games including a miserable Baltimore – Houston game that ended 31-2. Tell you what though, Beyonce performed the halftime show. And what a show it was! Came in on a horse and just killed the performance. She should do the Superbowl halftime show. And I am not even a Beyonce fan!

I hope that everyone of you who celebrate Christmas had a good one.

Skywatch Friday

Adventure Lab Geocaching on the RiverParks Trails

Earlier this month a nice cold, sunny, windy day, I went to Tulsa’s RiverParks trails to look for an Adventure Lab Geocache. Adventure Labs are a specialty cache where you have to visit a site and find information there. No physical cache is involved so it is appropriate for areas where they don’t really want you hiding stuff. Check out for more information. So this Adventure Lab involved going to several sculptures and getting information from the sculpture or accompanying plaque.

I ended up walking about two or three miles and had the parks trails to myself. At the end of the Adventure Lab you get coordinates to a “real” geocache and I found it as well.

And I took photos of all sorts of other stuff. We still had lots of fall color and the skies were really blue.

These are some sort of infrastructure and artists had painted murals on them and I really liked them.

And RiverParks installed this little musical drum for little kids and immature 69 year olds geocachers.

And I got this certificate!! I am not sure what you do with certificates. I am now up to 2287 geocache finds. But who is counting, right?

I am linking with My Corner of the World and Skywatch Friday.

Skywatch Friday – This and That Edition

We try and walk our dog every day. It kind of smooths him out and reduces his anxiety. I captured this sky on such a walk. A photoblogger always has at least his phone him at all times in all places is my motto.

My other motto is try your front and back porches first for sky shot.

This one I actually walked from my front porch about a100 feet to the street. No need to drive all over the place if you do not want to do so.

In November I ventured up to the suburb of Collinsville for geocaching meet up. The host had a bunch of caches for us to find. I got stuck on this sculpture. Nothing to do with geocaching I tried all sorts of different angles.

So we found nine different geocaches of several different types at the park. It only took about an hour.

Geocaching Meetup

A group pic that I stole of facebook. That’s me with the black hat off to the right. Note the lady holding her “geodog” off to the right. Everything is geo with geocachers, geodogs, geocars, geowifes, geotents. Also nobody calls anybody else by their real name, it’s always their geocaching handle. So I’m yogiabb. The two other guys and the other lady have each found over 20,000 geocaches. I’ve been at it for twenty years and only have about 2300 or so. Amazing. The lady to the left of me said she only slowed down finding them once after getting bit on the hand by a copperhead. I’ve never been snakebit but I have been bitten by wasps, bees, hornets, chiggers, fire ants and ticks.

And this is another online jigsaw puzzle I finished on my ipad. A rustic western scene with a little bit of sky.

And that is a wrap for this week. I am linking with Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday – Touring the New Gilcrease Museum

As described previously I got a chance to tour the new Gilcrease Museum last month. The building’s exterior is finished and most of the interior.

One thing I love about the building is that it has views of the outside. This is from the terrace looking north to the Osage Hills.

This is looking through another window east. You can see downtown Tulsa just to the right.

From the terrace looking southwest into the sun.

Tulsa's Gilcrease Museum

This area is going to be a cafe with outside seating on the terrace. I didn’t take any photos of the new galleries. No windows and plain gray walls. Not much to see there, yet.

On the terrace looking at the exterior walls. I was struck by the wavy design and asked the guide what that was about. She said she was told but did not understand it. She said it was “architectspeak.” Maybe so. I think it does add interest to the building.

They are still building this grand staircase which is going to be in the center of the building and go to all the floors.

I can’t wait to see it when it is done.

How much does all this cost? About $140 Million. Check out the private money donated. Tulsa has a lot of very generous families who are not afraid of donating money to the right cause. There is a lot of work to be done. They are designing the interior fixtures. The contractor will turn the building over in May 2025. The concrete and other materials used in construction needs to “off gas.” The vapors could be harmful to the collection, so the museum is not scheduled to open until November 2026. I can’t wait. Check out for more details. Check out their online collection. It’s fabulous.

I am linking with Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World.

Happy Thanksgiving Skywatch

Thanksgiving is here again. I hope that if you celebrate it that you can do so with family. I’ve been lucky I’ve never had Thanksgiving without family.

We’ve had big gatherings and we have had small ones. This year it is just us three along with the two critters. My brother is nearby so we’ll go visit him in his apartment.

We are buying are dinner ready made and heating it up. We’ve done the big all day cooking thing so with just three of us, this is the way to go.

Our two critters, Kodi and Lizzy. They are not really big fans of each other right now.

So if you celebrate, Have a Great Thanksgiving!!

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday

Woodward Park Skies and a Moon

I was loving the light and the reflections

My son not only has a BA in History, last summer he finished a certificate program to be a paralegal. He is working his way through the formal certification tests and has been looking for a job as a paralegal.

Oklahoma Fall Color is a lot of yellows and browns.

He got a call asking for him to interview a law firm in mid town Tulsa for a paid intern paralegal job. So at the appointed time I drove him to the firm and then headed out to nearby Woodward Park to wander around, see what I can see, and maybe take a few photos.

Stumbled on a wedding going on. I wish them a long and fulfilling marriage.

It was late in the day, the sun was low and the shadows were long and it was a beautiful Oklahoma autumn day. Autumn here lasts ridiculously long.

Got me a silhouette

So I wandered around doing my thing and when I was about finished, son called and said he was done. I picked him up and he said the interview went well and they would let him know in a few days.

More reflections

They came through with a full time, paid, temporary intern job at a salary about 50% higher than the box store job that he has. So of course he said yes.

The sculpture is Rosalind Cook. A very talented artists who is retired and lives in Tulsa. This is named “Poems and Promises” and was a gift from Ms. Cook and her husband to the City of Tulsa.

Monday morning my wife took him to work and I picked him up at the end of the day. I have picked him up after work countless times over the years and he never had the big smile that he had that day. He had a great first day. He was nervous at first but his training kicked in. He had such a sense of accomplishment.

I don’t know who the artist is for this work but this little lady is going to get pretty frosty this winter. I have photos of her with a robe made of snow.

His boss sent him an email saying he did well.

Appeal to the Great Spirit. I have been posting a lot recently of this sculpture. I love it even though it is controversial to some degree for cultural misappropriation. I’m pretty “woke” especially for Oklahoma but sometimes a scupture is a sculpture.

His second day went well also.

I fired up my Hyperspektiv App and made a glitchy video of the work. I kind of like it.

Who knows where this is going, they only promised a temporary job, but for now his Mom and I are happy just enjoying the work he is doing.

It kind of looks like a skinned grapefruit.

And here is that moon I promised you. The full Beaver Moon shot a few days ago in my back yard.

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday – All Over the Place Edition

Somebody published a geocache within walking distance of the house. Well, i’ve walked over there twice and can’t find it. It’s in a tree just to left of this scene. I didn’t find the cache but I’ve got two walks over to look for it and a not bad photo.


A full moon in October. Not the greatest I’ve done but here it is.


And a better rendition of a half moon, also in August.


I got a new action camera recently. It’s a GoPro clone at literally one tenth the cost. About seventy percent as good as a GoPro, so I’m ahead the way I figure it. I attach it to my bike’s handlebars and set it to take a photo every ten seconds. Most of the photos are of nothing memorable so I delete them. I love vintage power plants and this is Public Service Company of Oklahoma’s Tulsa Power Station. It hardly ever runs but it still on the rate base making money for PSO whether it runs or not. I used to work for a sister company to PSO that supplied the gas to all the power plants. We had a systems that would show us graphically all the gas the power company was burning to make electricity. It was cool watching the load go up during extremely hot or cold weather. Lots of people worked hard to make sure the lights stayed on.


Here is another action camera shot of this person riding an escooter on the RiverParks trails.


And somebody else walking their dog and a guy in an electric wheelchair crossing the river on the new pedestrian bridge. A big variety of people use Tulsa’s RiverParks. I’m always amazed.

Tulsa Sunset

A sunset drone shot from 50 meters above my back yard.

And a stormy weather drone shot about 30 meters above my back yard. Stormy means windy and my little microdrone doesn’t like wind.

That’s sall this week folks. Sorry I don’t have a theme besides skies.

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday – The New Gilcrease Museum and the Old Gilcrease Mansion

Tulsa has a great western themed museum, The Gilcrease Museum, which has a great collection of art and documents collected by oilman Thomas Gilcrease. He found out that oil prices can go down, just like they go up and he ended up selling his collection to the City of Tulsa back in the 1950’s. The city acted quickly and the museum was established on the grounds of Gilcrease’s estate.

The original museum was cobbled together over time with a collection of additions but it became unwieldy to manage and reportedly the lack of good climate control endangered the collection. So the citizens of Tulsa passed another bond issue and got a lot of private money as well. The original museum was closed in 2021 and knocked down (after the art was moved off site of course.) The new museum was started and the exterior is almost finished so one recent Sunday afternoon I packed up my camera and drone headed off to see what I could see. The new building is very modern and beautiful and overlooks the Osage Hills to the west.

And you have a good view of downtown Tulsa to the southeast. The museum sits up on a hill. I remember looking at it through binoculars from office downtown.

Also on the property is Gilcrease’s old mansion. I think it is empty now. Reportedly ghosts inhabit it and the formal garden. There is Thomas Gilcrease and seven Native American children who lived in the house as orphans. It all sounds very ghostly to me. I’ve been there a number of times and looked through the windows and taken lots of photos and I’ve not seen any manifestations. But hey you never know.

The house is pretty cool with a big porch wrapped around three sides. It doesn’t quite seem big enough to be a mansion. I love the green tile roof. You know that it produces quite a clatter during our Oklahoma hailstorms.

I’d sure like to check out the inside though. It looks like some sort of sunroom upstairs here.

Here is a view of the museum. You can see it is very close to the house.

Some autumn color on the northwest side of the house. I love the covered driveway. I don’t think there is a garage.

The Thomas Gilcrease House in Tulsa

The roof sprawls. I guestimate a cost of one gazillion dollars to replace it.

The new museum is due to open in 2026. They have to complete the interior then they have to install the art. I’ll be leaning on the door when they open it.

Check out the museum web site. They have 28,000 works of art in their digital museum which you can visit for free!!

I am linking with Skywatch Friday

Family Fun at the Tulsa Botanic Garden

A couple weeks ago or so we loaded up the family and headed up to the Tulsa Botanic Garden. They always have good stuff to see in the Fall.

We checked out the scarecrows and decided it was a down year for them. These were my favorites.

A stiff breeze was flying and our flag was flying proudly. It reminds me for my fellow US Citizens. Vote on November 5th, unless you have already done so.

The garden had opened up something new. An arboretum with a pergola at the top. The pergola had rocking chairs so the other two appropriated those.

The cover of the pergola was cool! All these leaves in it. Made a great pattern on the ground.

And the beams on the side, reflections, projections and shadows. I love little details like this. Costs a lot of money but hey that is what rich donors are for, right?

When the water is running I always take a short video of the water running down the terraces.

We went for hike on their trail. It is a cool trail than meanders through the woods and prairie sections.

One immediately sees that they have had a controlled burn fairly recently. I love good controlled burns. It clears out the undergrowth, kills invasive species and opens up the forests for a more natural and healthy effect.

I was sure glad to see it.

And then we went to the Childrens Garden section. I guess I am wondering if the parents threaten to feed their kids to the monster there if they don’t behave?

We had a great time!!

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Skywatch Friday – New Perspectives!

I went out to the Tulsa History Center to check on the revamped installation of the Oklahoma’s Five Moons. The installation had been damaged by some dummy who stole one of the metal sculptures and then tried to sell it at a metal recycling place. To their credit the recyclers called the police and the guy was apprehended. The sculpture took some time to be repaired and the History redesigned the installation.

Left to Right: Maria Tallchief, Marjorie Tallchief, Yvonne Chouteau (in front), Moscelyne Larkin, Rosella Hightower.

The Five Moons are five Native American ballerinas from Oklahoma who achieved worldwide fame in the late 1940’s and 1950’s. After their performing days were over they became instructors and promoters of their art. Here is a good summary of their careers.

I brought along my drone this day. I have many photos of the ballerinas but they are all on stands and up in the air so I thought that with the drone would provide a new perspective. And I think it worked pretty well.

It was a windy day and my little featherweight drone was struggling to stay in one place but I made it happen.

The lady in the background in the photo above showed up in the middle of my flight and asked what I was doing in a friendly manner. We got to talking and turns out that she is an Urban Sketcher. Which I have come to find out means to sketch on location. So kind of like being an instagrammer except on paper. I thought it was very interesting. You can find out more about Urban Sketching here. She is on instagram as well so we followed each other. We also talked about the Five Moons. We both agreed that not five Oklahoman’s out of hundred know who the Five Moons are. Which is a shame.

So buoyed by my experience with the Five Moons I headed over to nearby Woodward Park and launched the drone on the “Appeals to the Great Spirit” Sculpture. It is really tall.

I think the overhead shot adds to the effect of the sculpture here as well.

It just goes to show that you don’t have to fly way high to use a drone effectively.

I am linking with Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World.

Here is a previous post on the Five Moons