Category Archives: ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday – B is for …

It’s cold and windy this time of year and the B’s that come to mind are:


Ballerinas, this young dancer gets pretty chilly this time of year. The Ballet is pretty cool although I wouldn’t dare say anything about until this time of year when the season is almost over. Don’t want to give anybody any ideas if you know what I mean. Ballet season tickets are somebody’s version of heaven and somebody elses idea of “H, E, Double Hockeysticks” simultaneously. Sure I like the idea of going to the ballet, the reality is not quite that entertaining, just saying.

Beach Squalor 1

Ah, the Beach, we had a great urban vacation last year but wore ourselves ragged, I think it is back to the beach this summer. I’m more into beaches than ballerinas I have to admit. For one thing I get to dress more comfortably at the beach than at the ballet.


And Boats! I had a boat once, the two happiest days of my life are the day I bought it and the day I sold it. I  like going to the boat show though. SuperPizzaBoy found one he likes. He likes boats that have nice couches. That’s important I’ll admit although I like boats that have big coolers. Mainly I like other people’s boats. I could tell you stories about me and my boat. The only thing worse than a boat is the boat trailer.

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday – “W” is for …

This week’s letter is “W.” “W” matches two of Oklahoma’s home state heroes.


Who doesn’t love Will Rogers. Could he poke holes in windbags or what? In a nice way of course.

#woodie #guthrie exhibit at #central_library #tulsa - this machine kills fascists

And speaking of poking holes in windbags, how about Woody Guthrie?  People still get riled up about him in Oklahoma. I wonder what he would think of the tea party?

ABC Wednesday

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ABC Wednesday “U”

U is a real stumper for me. I can’t believer that I didn’t have a decent U pic such as an umbrella or I don’t know I can’t think of too many nouns that begin with a U. Universe maybe.

So I got on Flickr and looked for “Untagged” and I came up with both Untagged and Unidentified. 


I have no idea what this is. I have a vague sense that it is just east of downtown Tulsa but that is about it.

Are you prepared to present a U photo if you had to?

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday – “K”

K, K, K? What can K be? I don’t know but it reminds me about what they say about the University of Nebraska Football Team. You know the Corn Huskers? Do you know what the “N” on their helmets stands for?

King Tut.jpg

You are right!! The “N” stands for Nowledge!!

And this week’s K is “King Tut.” We saw reproductions of his tomb contents at the Museum of Idaho’s “Treasures of the Tomb” exhibition in Idaho Falls during our visit there this past summer.

ABC Wednesday

Have you acquired any good nowledge lately?

ABC Wednesday “J”

This week is “J” I think. Last time I played I used the wrong letter. Everybody was very nice and not a single person corrected me. Photoblogville is truly a very nice corner of the internet especially during this election season. You want to get scorched go to Facebook and say what you really feel. Photoblogs and their memes are exactly what old Al Gore had in mind when he invented the internet back when.

Anyways, J has to be July 4th right? I have over 23,000 photographs on Flickr that I have personally taken. The J’s are mainly July 4th. I mean my niece Jillian has a bunch but, oh what the heck here is one of my niece Jillian.


That’s Jillian and her husband Brian. They got married last year. Jillian is a sweetheart, her husband is a real nice guy. I’m her uncle so I know stuff like that.

Oh, back to July 4th, July 4th means fireworks.


Here I am showing how to get properly set up for watching Fireworks. You gotta have a patriotic shirt, you just have to. Please don’t show up on the fourth of July wearing the Union Jack. Not in Oklahoma anyway.


So here we go!


You know, even though I’m a guy, I read the manual on my camera before we went. It says that on the fireworks mode you hold the button down and let the camera decide when the shot is over. It made all the difference in the world. Now, guys, don’t take this a license to start reading manuals if confused and asking directions when lost. Guys just don’t do that kind of stuff generally, especially here in Oklahoma. Maybe in some place like Vermont it is okay, or British Columbia. Not here, no sir.


Hold on, just one more.


And that’s our show for tonight folks.

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday – “E” is for Elephant!

“E” is for Elephant this week. The Yogi’s love elephants. We saw them earlier this year at the Ringling Brother’s Circus.

They are all dressed up and are a big part of the show.


I didn’t notice it at the time but the gut above just seems totally despondent.


The animals are very agile.


We saw more elephants late last year at the Oklahoma City Zoo’s fabulous elephant enclosure.


Mother’s rounding up their kids.

(at San Diego Zoo)

What gets me is the eyes. Like the bison they seem so small but are so expressive.

ABC Wednesday