Category Archives: Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Shadowy Shots at Home and on the Trail

Our tiny five pound plus Pomeranian puppy Kodi gets lost in the shadows sometimes.


Fresh blooming Mexican Plum stands out from the shadows at Tulsa’s Oxley Nature Center

Shadows casting across a trail sign at Oxley.

Because of our dry spell, trees are casting shadows instead of reflections across a dusty dry lake bed.

I”m late but I’m still linking with Shadow Shot Sunday 2.

Shadow Shot Sunday – Bird, Squirrel, and Gym


My trailcam captured this house finch in our backyard feeder one late afternoon.


This squirrel’s flamboyant tail was captured early one recent morning.


And I was at the gym, cooling down after my workout and the afternoon sun was leaving warm shadows on a cold day.

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday 2 by the Magical Mystery Teacher.

Shadowy Washington Irving

191 years ago Washington Irving camped on the bank of the Arkansas River south of what is now Tulsa. There is now a an eponymous park on the river commemorating his stop.

Washington Irving Sculpture

He was resting in the sun when we checked on him.

The nearby Harmony Bridge has lots of fun things including this musical instrument.

I played a tune, just for you. (Never had a lesson!!)

I am linking with Shadow Shot Sunday.