Category Archives: shadow Shot Sunday

Thou Shalt Not Covet thy Neighbors Windows


I have coveted the windows of this building for some time. The building is vacant and if I had a gazillion bucks I would buy it and own these windows.

You could come and visit and we could chat and drink coffee while basking in the bright winter sunlight pouring through my windows.

Are you up for that?

Shadow Shot Sunday – Teaching Gardens


Nope, its not Benjamin Franklin, it is the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. Namesake of the Tulsa Garden Center’s Linnaeus Teaching Gardens. If you are in Tulsa sometime. Check it out. It is small but it is packed. If you know what I mean, and its free. Even the parking is free. Take your camera is my advice.

It has got lots of plants if that is what you are looking for. It has lots of shadows also.



This is my new satellite office. Shady in the Summer, sunny in the Fall. All I need is WiFi and a coffeepot and I’m ready to roll.


I love nice benches. Isn’t there a blog meme featuring benches? I can’t find it on Google. I just know that somebody will let me know.


Maybe this could be a satellite office also.


Yeah, well SuperPizzaBoy beat me to it. I snooze, I lose. That’s our family rule.

Check out Shadow Shot Sunday for more shady photos by shady bloggers.

Hey its Sunday. Here’s my text for today.

Genesis 1: 11‑12

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed‑bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Go check out That’s Baloney for more pairings of photos and scripture.

Shadow Shot Swan


Our neighborhood has a pond with a few resident black swans. I tried to get a photo of one of them but he wasn’t being very cooperative and the light was all wrong. I really couldn’t even see what was on the viewfinder.You ever try and take a picture of something black in a shadow while standing in bright light?


I think he was looking for food, not immortality on the internet.


Finally I got a flash of color.

Check out Shadow Shot Sunday