Category Archives: shadow Shot Sunday

Shadow Shot Sunday – Losing a Tree!!

Tree Stump

We had a tree removed last week. So this post is about losing shadows.

This is a photo from just a day or two before it was gone. It was an ornamental pear tree. My Forest Ranger Dad had been telling me for a long time, “Alan, that is one crappy tree.” I didn’t say anything to him but I was thinking “That crappy tree is the one we have.”

The crappy tree developed a crack that went clear down to the bottom of the trunk. You can’t get much crappier than that. A turkey wishbone type tree.


Here it is in healthier days.

Home Christmas Lights - Impressions - Seurat Afternooon 35 pct

And during Christmas.


And a winter shot with another crappy tree that we removed a couple years ago. My master gardener wife is planning on another tree, a better, tree to be planted in the fall.

I miss my crappy tree though. I loved its shadows.

I am linking with Shadow Shot Sunday.

Shadow Shot Sundays – Late Summer

It has been a long time to participate in Shadow Shot Sunday. Anytime is a good time to restart right?

I have been working a volunteer gig where I evaluate trail pavement conditions. I sure like the sections of the trail with big trees for shade.

I looked up the stairs one morning and saw this funky shadow. I used the Hipstamatic app to make it a little more arty. I am not sure I succeeded.


Last week I attended a fly-in at the Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch. The thing about fly-ins is that they are at airfields and they are not known for shade. Lots of the pilots with aircraft with overhead wings were sitting underneath the wing. I stood under a few wings myself.

So like I said, I am linking with Shadow Shot Sunday hosted by the Magical Mystery Teacher. Go check it out.

Shadow Shot Sunday – Evening Ride to Sand Springs


I am really enjoying riding my bike. I couldn’t do it Monday or Tuesday because I had to pick the kid up from work and Wednesday Heather and I went to the Alison Krauss – Willie Nelson concert. (Heck of a show those two put on I tell you.) So Thursday was it. I have a go pro type cheap clone that I mount on the handlebars of my bike. I had it set to take a photo every 20 seconds so above is an action shot of my filling my water bottle. You can tell from the long shadow of the tree that it was already getting late in the day.


The winds were supposed to pick up from the north so I opted for an east west route to Sand Springs and back on the MK&T trail. A converted railroad line. Straight as an arrow and easy grades. It doesn’t get much use and has several road crossings but they are easily crossed.


Here is a sign shadow, with a lens flare.


And here is an action shadow selfie of me pressing the crosswalk button like a nerd. A bicyclist who knows what he is doing just goes out there in traffic. I plan on living a few more years and I am hoping that being a nerd furthers that cause.


And an extra long shadow selfie on the trail. Below is a brief video of my ride.

Relive ‘After work ride to Sand Springs’

So what have you been up to lately?

I am linking with Shadow Shot Sunday

Shadow Shot Sunday – Riverside Ride


This Friday was my 9/80 day. I work 80 hours over nine days and get every other Friday off. I love it!! Been doing it for years despite criticism at work sometimes for taking off all my 9/80s. Yeah well duh. Anyway Heather and I wanted to go on a bike ride today. For a while it seemed like the very air was conspiring against us but it all worked out and we loaded up the bikes and headed off to the River Parks. Then, my bike had a little problem. A problem with the brakes. Believe me, if you are having a problem with your bicycle you do not want it to be your brakes. So I spent about fifteen minutes trying to fix them and suceeded. Yeah!!


And here is my very patient wife. All ready to go, waiting on her husband.


And off we went! First down a very nice rails to trails path that cuts through a very nice area of midtown Tulsa.


And then because of some park construction we got out on a street. It was a beautiful, sunny, cool day, with hardly any wind (8 mph is hardly any wind in Oklahoma, just so you know). As you can see we had some nice shadows all day long.


And then we got to the RiverParks trails. We love them. They have separate paths for cyclists and pedestrians


Heather led the way back to the car.


We got back to the end and had a reward. There is a brewery taphouse on the trail so we enjoyed a craft beer before the ride home.

I am linking with Shadow Shot Sunday

Shadow Shot Sunday – Winter is Coming


We are in between seasons. Lots of trees have lots their leaves and other trees still have them plus a lot of the shrubs are still green. A few more freezes will take care of all that. This is from my MIL’s house while I was getting some fresh air on Thanksgiving.


Long shadows in the early morning near the start of a race I was in. See the confetti on the ground. They used a confetti cannon for the start. I’m wondering if that is why the toddler has an umbrella. There was so much confetti you had to watch to keep it from going in your mouth as you ran through it.

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday.

Shadow Shot Sunday -Out and About


This is a shady ramp down from a restaurant on the Arkansas River in Tulsa


At work we had a little maintenance work going on. The cherry picker was in the sunlight for a little bit.


One day at lunch I went geocaching at a park at the Tulsa suburb of Sand Springs. It had been a while since I had been there (several years actually) and they had some cool sculptures cut out of sheets of steel. I love stuff like this.


An another from the “sunny side”.

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday

Shadow Shot Sunday – New Years Eve Walk at Ray Harral Nature Park


Logan and I went for a little hike on New Years Eve. He had his wisdom teeth taken out a few days ago and he was supposed to be quiet but by NYE both he and I were pretty owly and needed some fresh air and walking time. I have a hard to shake sinus infection and so I haven’t been doing much either.


So off he went!! He isn’t into running much but he was pretty restless. We went to Ray Harral Nature Park in Broken Arrow, a suburb of Tulsa. I kind of like it. It has lots of trails and not very many people. By planning your route you can get a couple miles in by varying the loops available.


The woods were grey but I did find a cardinal hiding from me in the shadows for a bit of red.

Ray Harral Bridge pre-Edit.jpg

I finally catching up with the kid. There is something about pedestrian bridges that I love. I alos feel compelled to tilt the camera. For some reason it seems more interesting.

How about you? What do you tilt the camera for?

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday today.

I wish everybody a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!

Shadow Shot Sunday – Linnaeus Gardens Shadows


I dropped the kid off at his Improv Comedy group today at drove up to Woodward Park and it’s fabulous Linnaeus Teaching Gardens. A small demonstration garden just packed with stuff but it is all so well designed that the density works. This time of year they generally have lots of shadows.


This shot had shadows of shadows.


I love the walkway to the Gardens. Lots of different light and textures.


Outside the gardens and inside Woodward Park I found this group of women getting ready for a shoot.  I thought they were an elegant group. I hope they don’t mind me stealing a shot.


I saw a cat and called, here Kitty Kitty, and here it came so that is probably his name, right? He was a curious cat. He may even be a watch cat. He inspected everybody who came by.  Kitty Kitty quickly became bored with me and walked off with a dismissive flick of his tail.

Have you ever been dismissed by a cat?

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday – Downtown Tulsa Shadows


Autumn is here and some of the trees are changing colors. We are several weeks behind friends in Colorado and elsewhere higher and further north.


There is still lots of green. I love this ramada at Guthrie Green just north of downtown. Nice and shady in the summer and sunny in the winter when all the leaves fall off.


Our downtown Library is reopening after a three year renovation. I’ll be going there later today to check it out. Solar heating, rainwater collection systems, revamped heating and air,  a 3D printer, enhanced technology. I haven’t heard anything about books. Do libraries still have books? You can depend on me to let you know.

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday (even though it is Saturday). Sunday will be here soon enough.

Shadow Shot Sunday at the Idaho Falls Zoo

They have more than animals at Idaho Falls’ Tautphaus Park Zoo.


They got some nice shady shadowy places to rest.


Sweetie and SuperPizzaBoy took advantage of the bench.


We are back in Tulsa now and we are loading SPB up to drive half a day down to Texas to deliver him to a Summer Camp. We’re going to miss him! But we are going to have fun ourselves. I hope that we remember to go pick him up.

Shadow Shot Sunday