Category Archives: Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections – Tulsa’s Cesar Pelli’s Duct Tape

BOK Center Reflections

Reflections off Tulsa’s BOK Center featuring a 600 foot long and 103 foot tall glass panel tilted at 5 degrees that wraps partway around the building. It’s always good for reflections.


The building was designed by Cesar Pelli and of course he used all sorts of local influences such Tulsa’s Native American and art deco heritage. He won’t admit but I think he was thinking about tornadoes that frequent tornado alley. Personally I love the building even though it reminds some of my fellow Tulsans of a roll of duct tape coming undone or maybe even a big old hubcap. Speaking of tornadoes, I hope that one never hits that glass panel. We’ll have glass all over Tulsa when that happens.

Weekend Reflections

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