Tag Archives: Bald Eagle

Saturday’s Critters – June 1, 2024 Edition


I went on a bike ride one day and I saw this Eagle fishing out in the middle of the Arkansas River here in Tulsa.


I saw this white pelican as well. There were not as many as there has been in the recent past.


Nearby I saw this great egret also fishing.


And a great blue heron.


A target of opportunity a short while later. This northern mockingbird landing on this wire right in front of me.


At Lafortune Park on a different day I came across this blue jay who sat still while I took his photo.

At home this week I got out of my car and saw this black swallowtail butterfly enjoying my wife’s purple coneflowers. People on instagram said “great job.” I just happened to be there, praise the butterfly.

Here’s a video of the butterfly.

Here is out little Pomeranian, Kodi. He is a bit much to handle these days. He won’t let me pick him up or even clip a leash on him. He’s a little dog with big feelings. And a bit wild eyed especially with this filter I put on his photo.

Now the squirrels have attitude. They don’t move when you tell them to do so. It’s like they say, you move, after you refill the feeder.


Most of our robins are down on the ground. This guy got up on the rooftop and sang for a while. I guess he is looking for love.


These grackles are just taking over!! At least they fly off when you tell them to.

My wife and I went on a hike the other day and came across this doe and her yearling. The young’in was jumpy, mom seed chill. They paralleled us on the trail for quite a ways.

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out.

Wildlife on the Arkansas River


I went on a bike ride the other day. I saw this bald eagle. Very far away almost past the limit of my camera. Two years ago I was quite sure that I had never seen a bald eagle in the wild. Since then I have seen lots of them.


And nearby a brief of White Pelicans. They are beautiful and comical at the same time.


And one of the big loners of the world, a Great Blue Heron. In some places, like on a beach, they are almost social with people but usually they keep their distance.


And I focused on a random pile of rocks and sure enough there were some basking turtles. They use up all the rocks and dead trees in the river.

And switching gears, our little Kodi, the Pomeranian graduated from puppy school!!

Here is what he was best at, the thirty foot treat run. He’s really been a good dog and we love him.

That’s about it this week. I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Go check it out.

Arkansas River Critters

Last Monday I braved the heat for a bike ride on Tulsa’s RiverParks trails bordering the Arkansas River as it flows through town. I took my Canon SuperZoom camera along in a backpack hoping to take some photos.

Great Egret

I found what I think are great egrets. (I’m not a very good birder so if you have better ID I would appreciate it very much.) This one was looking for lunch in the shallow water.

egrets 01

This nearby group seemed more into grooming than eating.

Great Blue Heron

Further down the river I spotted this great blue heron. They are very skittish and so by the time I stopped my bike, and retrieved the camera from the backpack and focused, this guy was ready to leave.

pelican 04

Nearby, this group of pelicans were hanging out together.

bald eagle 01

I saw something black with a white spot almost clear to the other riverbank. It turns out that it is a bald eagle. The first image of one I have captured in the wild. Sorry about the poor quality but it was at the far range of the camera.

I was pretty happy with my photos. Again, if I have misidentified any of them please let me know.

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturdays’s Critters.