Tag Archives: House Sparrow

Dogs, Squirrels, and Birds this Week

The weather has been both warm and cold lately. Kodi loves laying in the sun on cold sunny days. Talk about a look of bliss on his face.


We were wondering how he would do with snow and he loves it. Doesn’t bother him a bit.


So I’m loving my camera bird feeder. The squirrels love it to so I chase them off whenever I can. This past week I had house sparrows, carolina chickadees, house finches, and both sexes of cardinals. I found a new feature on the camera that I have used. I can talk to the squirrels that at time overwhelm it. I yell at them to “Git out you dang squirrels” and the run off. It also has an alarm, I can make it go off from my phone and that really gets them away.

Them squirrels are raiders. Here is a shaky video of one of them who took the top off of a bird feeder and was just helping himself.

That’s a wrap for this week. Stay warm everyone. I’ll be watching the NFL playoffs this week.

I visited with my knee surgeon yesterday and I am on for the middle of next month. After the Superbowl though.

Linking with Saturday’s Critters