Here is an abandoned oil well breaking out of the shadows on Turkey Mountain. The mountain was a pretty good sized oil field until the early 70’s when it played out. There are several wellheads that you can see along with miscellaneous cables, small pipelines, and equipment foundations. It’s considered to be part of the cultural heritage of the preserve.
Here is a shadow within a shadow on a trail on Turkey Mountain.
And here is a whole wall of shadows on a brick fence in Okmulgee. Oklahoma has a ton of red clay and from that there are red bricked building and structures everywhere!
One of the many things I’ve learned from my fellow bloggers is to appreciate blooms and flowers through their whole lifecycle. Like these purple coneflowers that are supposedly past their prime. They are still beautiful to me.
The oil and gas guys and gals that I follow on twitter talk about their favorite cocktail, Ranch Water. We saw a recipe in the paper yesterday and decided to try it out. Silver tequila, lime juice, and sparkling mineral water and rim the glass with Tajin. It’s a really good drink but take my advice, one is plenty for the day!
We found some Topo Chico water and the Tajin. You rim the glass with Tajin and it really gave the drink This may be the first recipe that I have shared in a gazillion posts. Am I turning into a mommy blogger?
I did my handyman thing yesterday. Turned on the dishwasher and a short time later noticed a small amount of water on the floor and an E-15 error code on the panel. YouTube to the rescue! The door hadn’t closed all the way so the dishwasher leaked out the top, some of it got on the floor the rest went back into the dishwasher but underneath. Cool thing is that the manufacturer has a pan down there and if water collects it raises a float and flips a switch and turns the dishwasher off. Pretty clever I think, saves from making a big mess. So figured it all out. I’ll be strutting around the house for a month now. I would strut anyway but now I have a reason to do so. At least in my own mind.
Joe’s Farm in the Tulsa suburb of Bixby. All sorts of organic produce. Joe’s good at marketing. He was a chef in New York City at several restaurants so he quit that and now raises vegetables. He works his store. Circulating with the customers and providing ideas on how to cook the more exotic items.
It’s hot here in Oklahoma. I am still running and hiking but I live for the shady routes like above on Turkey Mountain. It’s all shade there but you have to watch out for ticks, chiggers, and snakes. Deet works wonderfully for the bugs, snakes, just keep an eye out if you can. My biggest problem is tripping on the rocks and roots.
My other route is Lafortune Park. No bugs, snakes, rocks, or roots there but a lot less shade except in certain areas.
It borders a golf course which makes it kind of scenic.
This is my favorite post workout drink (after I down about a liter of water.)
My advice for running or hiking in the heat is to take it easy and take lots of water.
It’s hot in Tulsa these days. I still get outside though but not for as long as usual nor for anything intense. The above photo is from an App “Nomo” that has a bunch of different analog cameras modeled on it. I used one that made long skinny photos. You’ll have to click on the photo to see the full effect. I know, I could of straightened out but I didn’t want to for artistic reasons which is what us hackers say when we are too lazy.
I used it inside as well. I think it might be just the thing for long skinny windows.
I took a walk around Tulsa’s Lafortune Park the other day during the heat of the day. Don’t worry it’s only three miles and I took water. I decided to use the Hipstamatic App. It’s my favorite app but not everybody likes it. In fact my hipstamatic photos are my lowest performing photos on Instagram. So I kind of do them for me. I love the look of them. I have the settings for the “film” and the “lens” set on randomize so I never know what I am going to get.
Here’s a nice bench at Lafortune, out of the shade!!!
I call this “socially distanced shade.” The light leak is one of the effects of Hispatamatic app. I thought it kind of added to the overall sense of heat.
The Sheriff’s Department had this set up at the park. It looks slightly ominous.
And I found Mother Goose, Peter Rabbit, and I think Alice at the Park tucked behind the public library.
Out of the park and at Kirklands. With the A/C on and my app still running. I loved how compact and full of geometry this table and chair set is. You could have a real up close and personal meal with somebody.
Sundial at the Gilcrease
And then at Gilcrease Museum here in Tulsa. They had a small but powerful exhibit called “Enslavement to Emancipation: Toward a More Perfect Union.” It consisted of just three pieces of paper. The first one was a letter written in 1520 from Diego Columbus, son of Christopher Columbus, to King Charles V, of Spain asking for permission to take people from Africa and use them as slaves in the New World. The second was a certified signed copy of the Declaration of Independence for the United States. That was an amazing thing to see with Thomas Jefferson’s signature on paper that was very fragile. Third was a certified copy of the Emancipation Proclamation. The Gilcrease is amazing like that. They have a huge number of documents in their collection. Click the link for photos and more information.
So that’s it for my shadows, and bonus information.
I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday2. Come check it out, post some of your photos.
Late afternoon recently capturing the , getting the Garden Bee Shadow
Early in the morning, caught the photographer stealing a photo of my wife’s flowers.
And just for grins, my earliest “shadow” tagged photo, from 2008 of some bicyclists on the River Parks trails in Tulsa. Sorry for the fuzzy shot. It is from my intentionally crappy but fun Takashi 521FX camera.
The Takeshi can also do negatives. Here is son on a swing in 2010.
And finally a self portrait of the photographer in action.
I’m linking with Magical Mystery Teacher’s Shadow Shot Sunday. Come join in the fun!
I was at mil’s house visiting earlier this week in the afternoon and noticed the late afternoon sun coming in through her blinds was causing interesting patterns on her table and flower pot. Along with flowers and greenery in the background. You can see here to know how to get the perfect assortment of flowers as a gift for someone you love.
Son and I went on a walk at a local park. I liked our shadow selfies down below.
A little bit later we passed by some shadows from some redbud trees. The redbuds have a brief spectacular show for a few weeks in March and April and then they kind of retreat into the background.
Here are some of the flowers that my wife purchased for her Mother’s Day. She loves gardening and happily bought some for our yard and for her mother’s garden as well.
We had a pretty good Mother’s Day Meal at my mother-in-law’s place. Here are the two honorees. Both of them are great mothers.
Here was my contribution. I love smoking chicken. I would rather eat smoked chicken than eat steak. Heather purchased the sides (since we didn’t want her cooking on Mother’s Day) and we had a nice meal together.