Category Archives: Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections – Restoration Hardware
Sweetie and I checked out our local Restoration Hardware store in Tulsa during a recent outing. They used to actually sell hardware there with a little bit of furniture. Now they have some token hardware that you have to look hard to find and really funky furniture. Really funky expensive furniture.
On our visit the theme seemed to be reflections. They had both polished and burnished surfaces.
I couldn’t figure out if was art deco or some sort of new modern type stuff. (Please note: stuffed shirt, humorless, self important, mid-Century modern fans, please be nice in your comments. You guys are worse than Ron Paul supporters.)
I’m not sure what we would do with these binoculars. Too heavy to carry outside, I’m not that interested in our neighbor’s doings. But the binoculars are styling.
What a coffee table. Made by laid off aircraft assemblers maybe?
Sweetie laughed when I suggested that we ought to buy a bunch of this stuff.

Weekend Reflections – Christmas
Christmas is many different things to many different people. A big part of Christmas is light and what makes light fun are reflections.
Christmas tree in downtown’s beautiful art deco Philcade Building.
Even lawyers love Christmas.
Reflections while putting the lights on at our house.
Wreaths at a florists window.
Decorations at Pier One.
Hey, if I don’t see you before then have a Merry Christmas!

Weekend Reflections – Downtown

Oral Roberts University Prayer Tower
The prayer tower is at the center of the Oral Roberts University campus. ORU is a christian university her in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The tower was designed by Frank Wallace, who designed some of the other buildings on campus, and built in 1967. It is built to look like a cross from any angle. The lattice work is symbolic of the crown of thorns.
It is certainly a striking building. It has many reflective surfaces.
It is the centerpiece of the campus.
Of course, being in the natural gas industry, I noticed that they still have their natural gas fired flare still going at the top of the structure. I’m glad I’m not the one paying for that!

Devon Tower
I went to Oklahoma City yesterday to see a customer. I took the opportunity to check out the Devon Tower. It is topped out and will be ready for occupancy early next year.

Weekend Reflections – Walking on the River Trail

Weekend Reflections – Arkansas River

Geese Reflections
Sometimes I think that I shouldn’t worry about a Zombies because geese are taking over the world.
Have you ever stopped by a nice serene pond and been mobbed?

Downtown Reflections
I’m still learning how to use my new Takashi Digital FX 521 Camera. It can take photographs using different effects in the camera rather than with software later.
The building where I work
Again with the blue tint.
I like the negative effect the best:
I haven’t quite figured out how to control the “folded up” appearance seen in the first and last photographs on the lower right hand side. That is a feature of the camera that appears because it is so low tech and backwards in its technology. I’d love to be able to figure out how to do it on purpose.