Category Archives: Signs

Woof Woof Grrr Woof


My Diana Mini lomo camera has an option where it shoots half frame shots. In other words I can take two photographs in the space of one frame of film.

I’m not sure why they did it that way but it means that I can put two related subjects together like the photographs above sharing a frame. It was the same house bordering a city park and I think maybe the homeowner is a little tired of the dog walkers in the park fouling his fence.

Note that one sign is for the dogs and one for their owners.

Signs, Signs

What is Lomography?

Mayo Motor Inn

I just love experimenting around with my Takashi Digital Lomo Camera.


It has some interesting distortions up close.


Among other modes, it can do black and white, or


negative. I haven’t figured out what triggers the distortions though.


Strangely enough all these except the last are straight out of the camera. All I did on the last photo was crop it.

Paying extra for bad photographs. What a concept.

Signs, Signs

Reddy Kilowatt

Reddy Kilowatt - closeup

Remember this guy? I found him at Sooner Lake in northern Oklahoma on my way to Kansas. Sooner Lake is a power plant lake for Oklahoma Gas & Electric’s coal fired power plant. He looks a little different though with the clothes and a badge. He still has the light bulb nose, electric plug ears, and those strange shoes. Here is the original Reddy Kilowatt.

(from Parkin Electric)

See here in God fearing Oklahoma we don’t even let our trademarks run around naked. I mean who knows what passions would be ignited with all those red lightning bolts flashing all over the place. According to Reddy Kilowatt Wikipedia article Reddy Kilowatt was started by the Alabama Power Company in 1926 and was eventually licensed to hundreds of other companies until the Arab Oil Embargo when conservation suddenly became important.

Reddy Kilowatt

I think that it is cool that this remnant of a once widespread logo is still working.

Signs, Signs

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A Career in Signs


Last weekend the ventured to Clinton, Oklahoma for Sweetie’s family reunion. While there SuperPizzaBoy and I ventured to the very nice Route 66 Museum. It is a great museum but I was struck by how much gas station memorabilia they had. Especially the signs. I had actually worked for many of those companies.


My first oilfield job was with Mobil Oil. I worked as a summer roustabout in the Permian Basin of west Texas for two years and as a summer engineer one year. Mobil was my first employer out of college. I worked as the West Ranch oilfield on the Texas Gulf Coast That was back in the day. The employees were very proud of their company and it was a big family atmosphere. Mobil is now part of Exxon.

Champlin Petroleum

My second job was with Champlin Petroleum in east Texas. Champlin was a medium size very aggressive exploration company that was part of the Union Pacific Railroad.  Their assets are now owned by the huge independent Anadarko Petroleum.

Shell OIl

I worked for Shell for a couple years here in Oklahoma. They bought the assets I was working for and then they sold them. I never did figure those guys out. One thing, though, don’t call their shell a “clam.” That drove the Shell lifers nuts. So I always made it a point to do so. It is called a “Pecten.” To me, it will always be a clam.

Check out Signs, Signs.

We Build Strong Kids

Tulsa YMCA Mural

Technically, this isn’t a sign, its part of a mural on the old Tulsa downtown YMCA. One day the building will be gone along with the mural. The mural has been there so long that people don’t even see it.

Tulsa YMCA Mural Overview

I don’t know when it was put on but it has a definite 1970’s type look about it with all the yellows and oranges.

Signs, Signs