Tag Archives: Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2024 – A Day to Remember


Boots in memory of those who died serving their country


Donated Veteran Casket Flags at Broken Arrow’s Floral Haven Cemetery


Honoring Veterans at my 50th High School Reunion in Albuquerque last summer


Cemetery at Oklahoma’s Fort Reno


Graves of Italian Prisoners of War at Fort Reno.


German POW’s at Fort Reno from World War II who were in Oklahoma.

Memorial Day 2022

Memorial Day this year is Monday, May 30th.

Floral Haven Cemetery, Broken Arrow, OK

It’s a day to honor those who died while defending our country.

Floral Haven displays every Memorial weekend thousands of casket flags donated by family members .

Many people also use the day to honor family members who have passed on.

Our World – Memorial Day and More

It’s Memorial Day in the USA. A day where we honor those who sacrificed their lives for their country. It’s also a day were we honor all of our passed on relatives, forefathers, and friends. The cemeteries are very busy with people bringing flowers and sprucing up the grave sites. It’s a great day for remembering.

I am not aware of any family members who actually died in combat but I have plenty of relatives who served their country. My brother and brother-in-law both. (We have to remember that family members of servicemen and women also served as they suffer hardships when their families are deployed.) A niece’s husband is in the armed forces now. My father, at least two uncles, and many others also served.

It’s a great day to honor these men and women.

Our World Tuesday

Our World Tuesday – Field of Heroes


This Memorial Day I went to Centennial Park in Tulsa right across the street from VFW Local 577. They were sponsoring a “Field of Heroes” in the Park consisting of 402 pairs of boots and ID tags for American Military Members who died while serving their country.


This is the second year they did this. Eventually they would like to reach 13,000 pairs of boots.


It’s a sobering sight, both the array of boots and looking at the individual tags and photos of the service members. They are all so young.


There are lots of remembrances for our military but it never seems like enough.


It’s good to remember all who fell to preserve our country.

I am linking with Our World Tuesday

Post Memorial Day Weekend Update

Monday morning I got up, not too darn early, and headed out to Floral Haven Cemetery in the Tulsa suburb of Broken Arrow. It is a huge cemetery and they have a program where a Veteran’s survivor can donate their loved one’s casket flag to be displayed on Memorial Day Weekend. There are over 3000 such flags put up and taken down every year by Boy Scouts and it makes for a great display.


I love it so I went to take some pictures. It is very inspiring especially since so many graves are decorated by loved ones also.


I love the idea of Memorial Day. A day where we remember those who went on before us and those who sacrificed themselves for our freedom.


And then I went home and attended to my smoking duties. My mother-in-law Nana found a local butcher in south Tulsa, Perry’s, at 81st and Sheridan. It is a small place but boy do they sell good meat at very reasonable prices. This is the second time we tried them and the results were great.  The meat on the ribs pulled cleanly away from the bone  and the chicken was very tender.


Heather was off running errands so Logan and I had to do some extensive sampling of the results . You know for quality control. We are all about quality control especially when it comes to food.



So we packed up the food including a birthday cake Heather made and headed off to Nana’s house. We made quick work of the main course and then Logan did a great job of blowing out the candles on the cake. You see we are getting close to his birthday and you can never start these celebrations too early is my mottow.



One puff is all it took so I guess that all his wishes will come through. I’m sure though that Super Bowl Championship for the Cowboys never occurred to him. I don’t know exactly where I went wrong raising the boy.


Here he is with his Mom.



And here is with his Nana.



And here I am with Rascal the Pomeranian. What is going on here? Is somebody trying to tell me something?

Anyway, we had a great Memorial Day, what about you?