I have a flag that I keep in the hall closet and try and fly it on all the National Holidays and several select days such as election days and such. So on Veterans Day in the US back in November I put it up. I thought it made for a nice shadow.
Tag Archives: Veterans Day
Ruby Tuesday – Vintage Cadillac Ambulance
A pristine vintage Cadillac ambulance in Tulsa’s Veteran’s Day Parade last week. It really does look an ambulance for the country club set.
Linking today with Ruby Tuesday
Topaz Labs has come out with their Texture Effects software and I used it in the making of this photo. I like it but the software almost overpowers my laptop so I don’t know if I’ll get it or not.
Veteran’s Day
Today is a day we hold special for honoring our Veterans. I’ll be attending Tulsa’s annual parade. If you live and can make your downtown I highly recommend it.
One of my favorite things about the parade are veteran’s who just show up wearing an old jacket that doesn’t fit them any longer and they just join in. Nobody minds. The other thing is all the Junior ROTC cadets that will be there from area schools.
Thank you Veterans.
Tulsa’s 2014 Veterans Day Parade
Its that time of year again. On a very chilly and windy day Tulsa had their Veterans Day Parade. We had marching JROTC units from high schools in the area. A few schools pulled their units out of the parade because of the weather. I get that but the kids that did show up were appreciated.
And we had all sorts of Veterans, some sitting on trailers. I bet they were freezing. I don’t know about you but sitting outside when it is freezing is very cold. On the other hand I don’t think some of these people could walk the distance.
We had women vets in red Thunderbirds. Now that it styling!!
And Jeeps. I don’t know what the deal is but there were lots of Jeeps. A coworker who had one in the parade said that there were over 70 of them. I think he undercounted. But hey, bring them on. An event has to change with the times to thrive and grow is what I think. If people want to bring their Jeeps, well that is okay with me.
Even the the pink Jeeps. Pink is hot these days.
And the motorcyclists. I have a love/hate relationship with motorcyclists. Right now I love them. Ask me tomorrow, who knows what my attitude will be tomorrow. Except tomorrow evening will be the start of my three day weekend. My attitude will be pretty good then!! Sorry, who cares what my attitude is.
I always enjoy the military vehicles.
They had a few marching bands. I saw this group performing down the street and thought they might do it again. They didn’t but they do march in style I think.
Something else new this year is that several corporations had people marching in the parade. This is Quik Trip a convenience store chain headquartered in Tulsa. They were not tossing candy but they were passing out coupons for free beverages, any size? I’ll take a beverage!
There is nothing like the old military vehicles. Isn’t this about the manliest thing you have ever seen? Beats the crap out of pink Jeeps that have never been off the pavement.
What I like the best are the Vets that just show up and get in the parade on their own. No entry fee for any entry and individuals can just show up.
So I love the walking Vets the best. The least we can do is show up and show our respect.