Category Archives: Digital Art Meme

Digital Art – Quonset Hut

Clinton Quonset Hut

I found a quonset hut in downtown Clinton, Oklahoma during a walk there a couple weeks ago. Of course wanting to improve on mother nature I ran it through Topaz Labs Impressions program and decided I liked their “Cave Dweller I” filter. It made the beautiful blue Oklahoma sky kind of this reddish, purplish, orange thing but hey I kind of like it that way. There is something about quonset huts that begs photographers to take their picture. They are so simple geometrically and they usually have the nice rusty patina to go along with them.

I’m linking with Nature’s Footsteps Digital Art Meme

Digital Art Meme – Oklahoma Rock on Tulsa’s Turkey Mountain

Oklahoma Rock Topaz Glow Whisker Wires

The Oklahoma Rock is a landmark deep into Turkey Mountain. If you haven’t found it yet, and it is not hard to find, then you really haven’t had the full Turkey Mountain experience. Lots of legends about this rock. One or two of them might be true. Otherwise you have to believe that the Native Americans here before the arrival of the white people already knew what the state would look like.

It is also part of a popular geocache. It is an offset cache where you go so many feet from the rock in the direction that the rock is pointing. That’s great except the rock has been pushed over and propped back up so many times that that doesn’t work. I found it by searching in an arc of the required distance around the rock. Even then it took me several tries.

Fortunately for us Oklahoma Rock fans it is not on the property proposed for an outlet mall. At least for now.

I ran the photo through Topaz Glow. I have seven days left on my free trial. I still haven’t decided whether I’m going to buy it or not. They should just let you use it for free until you decide to pay it. Don’t you think?

Linking with Digital Arts Meme

Digital Arts Meme – Winter Woods

Oxley Nature Center Topaz Glow Highlighter Bold I

On a cold windy last Sunday, son and I went on hike through some woods in a park on the  north side of Tulsa. The dense woods blocked the wind on the ground, but the darkness plus the sound of the wind howling

through the tops of the trees made it seem pretty darn spooky on the ground. I used Topaz Labs Glow program to emphasize the spookiness of the setting.

Linking with Digital Arts Meme

Bixby Pecan Orchard

Sunday afternoon was just too nice to stay inside and watch football games. Heather went to her exercise class and I took son to visit a friend who lives deep in the woods south of Tulsa. So I had some time to myself and my camera.

Bixby Pecan Orchard Topaz Glow

The scene above is a pecan orchard near the the Tulsa suburb of Bixby. Bixby has pecan orchards, truck farms, grass farms, and the most expensive real estate in Oklahoma.  There is something about a well tended pecan orchard that is very appealing especially on a beautiful warm winter day with a pretty sky.

I used Topaz Labs new “Glow” program to process the image. Somehow it really enhanced the visual entanglement of the branches. The scene reminds of ballet dancers with their arms in the air. Well maybe I’m getting carried away with myself.

I’m on the free 30 day trial at Glow. So I’m trying to decide whether to get it or not.

Linking with Digital Arts Meme


Turkey Mountain Snow Day

Turkey Mountain Snow - November 2014

This is a scene from Tulsa’s beautiful Turkey Mountain Wilderness Park after a brief snow in November. It is a beautiful place where Simon Malls plans on putting in a huge luxury outlet mall (whatever that is.)

I used Topaz Impressions with their Watercolor IV filter to make this.

Check out Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition for more information on Turkey Moutain

Linking with Digital Art Meme

Thorncrown Chapel – Eureka Springs, Arkansas


Thorncrown Chapel is a beautiful wood and glass chapel set in a forest near Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It is absolutely beautiful.

I used to Topaz Impressions to make the photograph look more like a painting. I’ll tell you thought that there is nothing like being there for this gem of a building.

Previous Post on Thorncrown Chapel

Linking with NF Digital Arts Meme

Eric Baker’s “Oklahoma Autumn” at Philbrook

Philbrook Redbud Tree

This is a Topaz Labs Impressions modified photograph of part of Eric Baker’s “Oklahoma Autumn” installation” at Philbrook Museum of Art‘s Gardens. It is made of steel, agate, and kiln fired glass and is absolutely beautiful and I always have to go check it out whenever I visit the museum. I used Topaz’s Impressions to give “swirly” the photo a little bit.

Linking with Digital Arts Meme