The family loaded up earlier this week and traveled to western Oklahoma.

We went to Clinton, Oklahoma. I went over and took this photo early in the morning of their Route 66 Museum.

Later, I took this photo of this tree in our hotel parking lot. I love Fall Color.

We were in Clinton for the funeral of a family member. He was one of those great guys in life. Not flashy or one to call attention to himself but very nice, very smart, and a great guy. He was married almost sixty years and raised a great family. He was also a John Deere mechanic for about the same amount of time. They said he bled green.

His employer, the local John Deere dealer parked these two huge tractors in front of the church in his honor. I had never seen anything like that before!!

Back in Tulsa, I found this giant cottonwood tree in a tiny little park in East Tulsa.

Fall can even make parking lots look better.

Close by I came across this church called “God’s Church.” I love the confidence in the name. I checked out their web site and they seem to be a vital and active part of the community ministering to their members and the community. What more can you ask of a church?
I think this is my blog post 3001 more or less. I’ve been doing this blogging thing for over ten years now and I really do appreciate the support I’ve got for my humble little slice of the interwebs.
That’s about it for this week. I’m linking with Skywatch Friday.