We have a full moon tonight, the Full Beaver Moon it is called, others call it the Full Worm Moon. Later on we are supposed to have a full lunar eclipse. We are also supposed to have cloudy skies so unless I just happen to wake up at the right time, I won’t make it.
From back in December, my therapy cat Lizzy found a sun puddle upstairs and was taking full advantage. She looks a little grumpy I think because I didn’t give her a chance to groom herself. She hates bedraggled photos of herself.
Here is our little Kodi Bear, Kodi. He had been ignoring me since I had my surgery and now he is acting more interested and comes and checks on me. I used to play with him a lot but it is kind of hard now since I can’t reach down to the ground very easily to grab his toy and throw it. He has some aggression issues but he is one of the cutest dogs I’ve ever known. The lady that we got him from nailed it. She said he is a little dog with big feelings.
I post photos on instagram a lot and since my surgery I am going to the archives more and re-editing images. This is a llama that some friends of ours had. They got Mrs. Llama to help protect their sheep from feral dogs and coyotes.
And here is a video of my great escape. I’ve been doing PT daily and getting stronger but not at the pace I would like. So the other day when the coast was clear I grabbed my walker and headed out the front door and one of our security cameras captured me as I made my great escape. I only went a quarter mile round trip and it felt great. I am going to build up my distance every day. PT is challenging but it hurts. I love walking outside in the sunshine.
It’s been a couple weeks since my knee replacement surgery. I’m getting a little anxious for this healing thing to get a move on. I snuck outside yesterday and took a photo of our tree outside at the very beginning of the afternoon golden hour. I love spring. It is still cold, but the sun is up high, the wind is blowing, the sky is bright blue.
Today my wife Heather took me on a little outing. We went to see my brother who lives nearby. When I first to the hospital my sister drove down from Colorado and spent several days just checking up on him. She is back home now.
Me and our cat Lizzy have always been good friends. With my knee surgery now we are really good friends. Part of my recovery has been putting my leg in a knee bending session every day for two two hour sessions every day. So I do that while laying on our bed. Lizzie joins me for at every session for at least an hour or two.
She naps mainly, I also nap, and read and post photos on social media. Believe it or not, it goes by pretty quickly.
She just kind of lays there. Every once in a while she gets up and sniffs my leg like she is checking on progress.
I love the company
I spend a lot of other time in the living room sitting up with an ice machine on my leg. I surf the net, read the news. Lizzie likes getting in my lap then. Nothing like a purry cat sitting on your sore leg.
She spends a little time, then leaves, and comes back after a while.
I get up really early these days. My meds kind of run out so I move out into the living room and reload on the drugs and ice. The other day Lizzie showed up and wouldn’t move out of my lap so no reading the paper for about an hour and half. So I’d pet her and she’d purr, and like I said before. Nothing like a purring cat for healing.
And here is the latest photo. I know its just the dressing. The stitches are looking good, very nice and tight. My wife and I are not much into hospital photos. I know other people like them, not me, not of me, nor of other people.
The unexpected thing was my ankle. It’s like a bad sprain. Both leg and ankle are healing up fairly well. I wish it were faster. In the meantime, I am glad Lizzy is around. What a sweet companion to have during recovery.
My wife Heather drove me back from the hospital today. I went in Tuesday and as supposed to be discharged Wednesday. Didn’t work that way. I had complications, which were kind of complicated but they let me go today and boy am I glad. It’s a great hospital and took good care of me but man I was glad to get out of there.
We got a little bit of snow last night. When I got up this morning, the light was a golden color and I needed a shadow so I went captured this shot of a chair shadow.
Five Mourning Doves waiting for somebody to refill the bird feeder one chilly morning recently. They kind of puff up to help keep themselves warm is what I read.
Brilliant Blue Sky and and even more Blue Audi (I keep wanting to write Bluer, but I am not sure that is a word.) I’m kind of in a holding pattern because of upcoming knee replacement.
The only bit of green on Tulsa RiverParks right now. Ironically, I am spending more time than ever in the gym now. The surgeon has exercises that he wants me to do to speed up the healing time afterwar the procedure. Plus, the encourage you continue what you were doing before.
Sharing a truffle latte with my wife after an exercise class. So yoga, weights, water classes, stationary bike, and a little bit of walking. Walking is what really hurts now.
A little bit of ice and snow Wednesday morning. So not too many adventures right but I am eager to get on with it and start recovery.