My backyard trailcam captured this image of a squirrel munching on an acorn. We have a bumper acorn crop this year. The squirrels can’t keep up with them. Our little dog Kodi has learned the trick of picking one up and bringing it inside where we give him a treat to trade.
We have a few little rabbits who romp around in our yard.
Young Kodi howls when my wife leaves. He’s inconsolable in his sorrow.
The howling kind of irritates our sweet cat Lizzie. I can just see her thinking, “Suck it up dog!”
I went hiking on Turkey Mountain earlier this week. I encountered, several times, a family of three or four deer. This was the best photo I got. Lots of trees made focusing difficult. I love seeing deer in the woods.
And I saw this butterfly. Google tells me that it is a Red Admiral.
And I was walking along and I heard a woodpecker up in the trees. I looked and looked and saw this one but he wouldn’t stay still very long. Sorry for the grainy cropped shot.
And here is our Pomeranian Kodi. He’s cute as all get out and likes me 95% of the time but watch out for the other 5%.
I woke Lizzy the cat up from a nap the other day. She was not amused.
And I captured the image of this little bunny in our backyard early Friday morning. We have a lot of hawks in the neighborhood and they feast on little bunnies.
And speaking of feasting we have a bunch of squirrels this season. Watch out little dudes!!
Kodi loves going places so we took him on a hike at Ray Harrall Nature center. He did two miles and never slowed down. His little feet were moving fast.
And that is my critter report this week. I am linking with Saturday’s Critters.
We just got back from a short trip down to southeast Oklahoma. We rented a cabin and packed a lot of stuff, including relaxation time, in just a few days.
We saw lots of deer. This one we spotted close to an automatic feeder. That is a great way to get deer to show up, or me for that matter. Just feed me and the deer on a regular basis.
The cabin we rented had a deer feeder.
The feeder went off at 6 am every morning for just a few seconds.
The deer hang out eating until about 6:45 and then they wandered off. I guess a neighbor’s feeder came on a 7?
They are very beautiful to look at and graceful in their movements.
You can tell they are used to people but still watchful.
All sorts of grey squirrels showed up to feast from the feeder.
And this critter showed up and stood stone still for many minutes. Just inside the hadows I didn’t get a decent photo of it. I don’t think I have ever seen such a critter. Google Lens says that it might be a swamp rabbit. Inaturalist is still pondering the results of my crappy photo.
Our little seven pound pomeranian puppy Kodi is getting swimming lessons from Heather on the Mountain Fork River. The little dog a trooper on the trail, straining his leash out ahead of us.
We came across this charred wooden bear on one of the walks in our cabin neighborhood. I’m guessing that it was done on purpose. Why, I don’t know.
Our cabin had a baby sasquatch inside. I love the big feet!!
I went on another bike ride the other day on the Arkansas River Trails here in Tulsa and saw this bird way out on the River. INaturalist is not certain but they think it is a bald eagle. Is it a teenage bald eagle maybe. Help me out fellow bloggers, please!
I saw these birds snoozing. I think they are tired white pelicans.
I took my camera with a macro lens to a nearby park to take pictures of tulips. While there I saw this little guy and took his photo with the macro lens.
I found a Koi Pond. I love Koi ponds talk about chill. Nothing like watching koi swim around makes me very chill.
And here is our little chocolate Pomeranian Kodi at puppy class. He’s a regular champ. So smart, he spends the downtime watching the other dogs and when it is his turn to do things he does great. He’s six pounds of fearlessness and smarts.
I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of great posts from bloggers all over the place. Check it out.
On a recent hike on Turkey Mountain I found this tree that had been cut down. I am thinking that it may be a beaver.
And on a different area of the mountain I found this beaver cut that somebody had decorated with gold leaf. What a lot of work! Lots of people have posted this on social media so I joined the crowd.
And from the trail cam in the back yard I got several photos of rabbits. Or least their ears and one eye.
I captured images of squirrels as well.
Here is a guy practicing his toe hold and doing a vertical yoga updog stretch (or upsquirrel?)
Our little Pomeranian Kodi continues to grow and bond with us. He is very smart and when in the right mood, obedient, but most of the time he just wants his way. I kind of get that.
He and Lizzie, his older sister are becoming friends. We call her Nanny because she keeps a close eye on him. When she gets tired of him she just jumps up on a chair and Kodi cries at her.
And that’s a wrap for today. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of talented blogger/photographers post there, and me. Check it out.
I put my trailcam out last night for the first time in a long time. I checked it this morning and we had a mystery cat snooping around at 1:30 in the morning.
I haven’t been able to go hiking in the woods for a while because of all the rain we’ve had so I have been walking around Lafortune Park here in Tulsa a lot. I followed this squirrel down the trail for a 25 yards or so and he finally climbed up this pole and was looking at me chattering and flagging his tail. It was like he was saying “What!!”