Tag Archives: Kodi

Saturday’s Critters – Wild and Domestic

On a recent hike on Turkey Mountain I found this tree that had been cut down. I am thinking that it may be a beaver.

And on a different area of the mountain I found this beaver cut that somebody had decorated with gold leaf. What a lot of work! Lots of people have posted this on social media so I joined the crowd.


And from the trail cam in the back yard I got several photos of rabbits. Or least their ears and one eye.


I captured images of squirrels as well.


Here is a guy practicing his toe hold and doing a vertical yoga updog stretch (or upsquirrel?)

Our little Pomeranian Kodi continues to grow and bond with us. He is very smart and when in the right mood, obedient, but most of the time he just wants his way. I kind of get that.

He and Lizzie, his older sister are becoming friends. We call her Nanny because she keeps a close eye on him. When she gets tired of him she just jumps up on a chair and Kodi cries at her.

And that’s a wrap for today. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of talented blogger/photographers post there, and me. Check it out.

Skywatch Friday – Santa is Almost Here Edition

Another front porch skywatch photo. I went artsy here by crouching behind our shrubs with some Christmas lights on them. As old as I am crouching down of any kind might be termed as “suffering for my art.”

Kodi the Pom puppy is who I blame for not getting out and taking more pictures. Having a new puppy is kind of like having a kid. They demand constant attention! If we don’t give him positive attention by playing with him, then he gets negative attention by chewing on electrical cords. We’re exhausted!

Another front porch skywatch shot!

My wife bought Kodi a couple of Christmas outfits. He is not a fan but we thought he rocked this elf outfit.

This time I stood on my front porch and pointed the phone to the southeast instead of the southwest like the previous two photos.


I was able to head out to the Arkansas River trails and check on construction of the new pedestrian bridge. It’s looking good but it won’t be done until well into 2023.


And I checked on the PSO power plant across the river. I love stuff like this.

Oklahoma Christmas

To those who celebrate Christmas I wish you a Merry Christmas, Oklahoma style. To everyone else, I send you greetings and well wishes.

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday