Tag Archives: Kodi

Saturday’s Critters – Kodi the Pomeranian

We are trying to socialize our Kodi, a one year old Pomeranian so yesterday we took him to an art show and he did really well. Heather held him because he is so small but he was really aware of everything and let several people pet him. Later on we took him to a local park where we got this photo.

Kodi really likes water. If he hides under the bed we can turn on the water to the bathtub and he comes out and pogos to be put in the tub. We got him his own little swimming pool for the back patio and he loves it as well.

He hops in and plays.

And hops out!!

Last week we took him to a local dog park on a play date with his brother Tucker. Tucker is owned by a breeder and she brought her four other Poms. Kodi had not seen them in a while and was a little bit scared but it in no time he was running around and playing with them. I wish I had taken photos of the rest of the herd. Tucker has a neurological issue is why the breeder is keeping him. She would give him to us but we don’t really want two male dogs.

So I had been taking photos of Kodi on our daily walks and posting them on Next Door. They had been really well received. I don’t know if you are familiar with Next Door but it is a social media app that is really useful if you lose a dog or if you see a loose dog runing around. Otherwise, in my opinion, there are lots of complainers out there whining about democrats, or republicans, or people who drive too fast or too slow, disrespectful kids, people of color walking through the neighborhood or that there are too many car washes being built or somebody at Walmart was rude to them, blah, blah, blah. Anyway Nextdoor sent me a message that they considered my photos of Kodi to be spam and if I didn’t quit they would suspend my account. So goodbye Nextdoor and your whining members.

Not everything is happy sunshine with Kodi. He can get aggressive with me. He has bitten me a few times and really dislikes me picking him or holding him. He is not that way with Heather or our son Logan. 95% of the time he lets me play with him and pet him and all that but sometimes he just gets angry. So we have consulted our vet and a behavior specialist and are working with him. And no, don’t worry, we are not considering getting rid of him. He’s part of the family and just needs a little help right now. We’ll get through this.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Backyard Critters


We got to missing our little bunnies and wondered where they were so I put the trailcam on their favorite yarrow patch and one showed up the other day.


We are worried about our puppy Kodi getting them but so far he just half heartedly chases them.

Every once in a while he goes on the hunt for them and gets one to run but like I said his heart is not in it. WHICH IS FINE BY ME!!


I captured myself cutting the grass the other day. I am about the only person on the street that still mows their own yard.

And here is Lizzie. She never goes out in the back yard but she likes to check out the action through the window when she is not napping. She naps a lot.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters


Our backyard trailcam caught this cat wandering into the bed of yarrow where our resident little cottontail kit hangs out.


It came out a few minutes later. Fortunately the kit is still around as well.

Here is Kodi our chocolate colored fur ball taking a break on his walk.

We try and walk him daily in our neighborhood green belt. It backs up to several backyards with dogs and sometimes they are out and they can bark at each other.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

Breaking out the Trailcam Again


A dashing squirrel


A cottontail cooling off.


A red bellied woodpecker getting a snack


Little cottontail “Bugsy” helping out with the weeding.


A spying squirrel


A Rocking Robin


Mr. Grackle checking it out


A peaceful dove


Another squirrel

I’m helping out a biology professor doing research on native pollinators

Tagging the take


Bugsy getting a drink!

Kodi the mad Pomeranian

Mr. Kodi the Pomeranian getting possessive about his stick.

Check out some more of God’s creatures at Saturday’s Critters.

Front Yard Swallowtail

I find Swallowtail Butterflies a challenge to photograph. Unlike monarchs, swallowtails are here there and everywhere. We had one in the front yard the other day that wasn’t so active so I was able to capture an image with my phone camera.

And a short video, even though I lost it for a second.

And here is Lizzie, she sits still.

Our little pomeranian, Kodi never sits still, he is here there and everywhere.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters. Check them out.

Get Away to Southeast Oklahoma

May be an image of 3 people
Heather, Logan, Kodi, and Me, left to right

The family went on a little mini vacay this week down to Beavers Bend State Park in southeast Oklahoma.

We stayed in a nice cabin

Went on one big hike and a smaller hike.


Kayaking for me and Logan, and Standup Paddleboard for Heather on Broken Bow Lake.


Kodi went with us on the shorter hike along the Mountain Fork River.


He got a little intro into swimming in a river.

Some fire pit time for everybody.


Checking out a partial moon.

We had a great time. More to come.

Skywatch Friday

Wildlife on the Arkansas River


I went on a bike ride the other day. I saw this bald eagle. Very far away almost past the limit of my camera. Two years ago I was quite sure that I had never seen a bald eagle in the wild. Since then I have seen lots of them.


And nearby a brief of White Pelicans. They are beautiful and comical at the same time.


And one of the big loners of the world, a Great Blue Heron. In some places, like on a beach, they are almost social with people but usually they keep their distance.


And I focused on a random pile of rocks and sure enough there were some basking turtles. They use up all the rocks and dead trees in the river.

And switching gears, our little Kodi, the Pomeranian graduated from puppy school!!

Here is what he was best at, the thirty foot treat run. He’s really been a good dog and we love him.

That’s about it this week. I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Go check it out.

Saturday’s Critters – On the Ground and in the Air


I went on a bike ride on the Osage Prairie Trail north of Tulsa. It is a Rails to Trails project done years ago where an railroad is converted to trails. I love it because it goes through a lot of back country including ranches. I saw this Hereford cow looking happy in some tall green grass. Don’t see too many white faces like this any more.


And some of his friends, Angus cattle also grazing.


And in a different pasture I found some horses with their heads down.

And I found this little turtle crossing the road. Why did the turtle cross the road? (To get to the shell station!)

And a few miles away another, bigger turtle getting across the road.

And on a different outing on my first hike on Tulsa’s brand spanking new Mooser Greenway trail system I found myself a deer.

I love seeing deer.

Later on I found this feather. Google lens says it is from a red tailed hawk. I left it near where I found it.

And this might be the Shell Station. Just so happens I worked for Shell Oill for a short time and I learned that nothing makes a die hard Shell Oil employee madder than calling their logo a clam. It’s a pecten they will say in a heartbeat. So of course I doubled down on calling it a clam. Alrighty, sorry, I’ll get back to Saturday’s Critters.

I found this fresh cut disk cut out of a tree blocking the trail. I tried to count the rings and I came up with a 102 years old.


And speaking of red tailed hawks, this dude was up- on power pole looking for his lunch. He was a long ways away. At the very limit of my ancient Canon Superzoom camera. How far away you ask?


He was on top of the rightmost power pole as seen from our back yard. I love my DSLR with all the various lens but it is hard to be beat a superzoom for lightweight and usefulness in a wide variety of situations.


Here’s another photo of the hawk.

And here is the mandatory pic of Kodi the Pomeranian in a pensive mood. He’s the same color as our floor so he is Kamo Kodi in dim light inside.

I”m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Go check it out. Lots of talented bloggers link up with her.

The Week in Critters


On a guided hike on Turkey Mountain, I was lagging behind the group (I like to lag) and found this butterfly. Google lens tells me that it is a Red Spotted Purple butterfly. Other resources say Red Spotted Purple Admiral. I don’t know, I just thought it was different.


An overhead view of the same butterfly.


I visited Tulsa’s Philbrook Museum and took a walk around the gardens. I saw this little pollinator working away, doing its thing.


And then a wasp looking critter working on these blooms.


And yet another pollinator, pollinating.


And a duck on the museum grounds. Do you suppose he snuck in without paying?

And they had sheep. I loved these sheep. They were on a secluded part of the grounds up until 2014 and then disappeared. They are back now in a more visible part of the grounds. There were lots of teenagers visiting the museum the day I was there and the sheep were a hit. Up to six or seven kids were sitting on them at a time. I just bided my time until they left to get this shot.


And then shift to our backyard. I was sitting on a bench reading and this downy woodpecker landed on a nearby branch and stayed for a little bit.

Lizzy sticking her tongue out at us

And going inside the house, Lizzie the cat spent a big part of a recent day with her tongue sticking out. Silly cat!!


And here’s the Kodi the Pomeranian puppy showing a little bit attitude during a training session.

And here he is at puppy school doing everything my wife asks of him. He’s a rock star at puppy school. When it is not his turn to do something he watches the other dogs and people closely. He’s taking it all in. I’m learning what it is like to have a dog smarter than I am.

And that’s a wrap this week for critters. I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters. Go check it out.