Tag Archives: Birds

Critter Update from the Backyard and Beyond

From the Backyard TrailCam

male cardinal

A male cardinal coming in for a landing

female cardinal

And his lady friend a minute or two later


This squirrel is walking with purpose

rabbit night

This guy freezes

Out and About

Some turtle basking action at Hunter Park
Ducks paddling away
Geese and Ducks say hello at Swan Lake (No swans around)
Kodi is very distracted, all the time.

At Woodward Park in the Daffodils, Kodi with my wife and son on a family outing last week.

At Home

Lizzie catching a nap in the front room.

From the Air

Kodi is not sure that he likes drones.

That’s it for this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters.

Critter Update


A crow in our backyard. I alternate the trailcam from the ground to a bird bath.


A couple doves visited.


And a rabbit late in the evening.


House finches




A female cardinal


A thirsty squirrel

And Kodi, after a grooming appointment.

I went on a hike at a local lake and found lots of evidence of beaver activity. Looks like they were getting a little artsy with this tree.

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out.

Shadow Shot Sunday – Bird, Squirrel, and Gym


My trailcam captured this house finch in our backyard feeder one late afternoon.


This squirrel’s flamboyant tail was captured early one recent morning.


And I was at the gym, cooling down after my workout and the afternoon sun was leaving warm shadows on a cold day.

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday 2 by the Magical Mystery Teacher.

Backyard Critters – Trailcam Energized


I got my trailcam going lately. On windy days I aim it at stationary objects like this bird squirrel bath.


iNaturalist tells me this is a house finch.


A Blue Jay showing up for the party.


And here we have birds coming and going!!


INaturalist says this is a downy woodpecker.

And a goose whom I encountered on a walk at a local park.

(If you disagree with any ID’s please say something!!)


And a selfie with our Pomeranian puppy, Kodi.

I am linking with Saturday’s Critters

Weekly Critter Summary


We’ve had this hummingbird feeder up for weeks. We keep stuff in and clean and refill regularly. The first day we had a hummingbird and nothing since then. Nothing in terms of hummingbirds. We got all sorts of other critters who perch on it or get behind it like this smart aleck squirrel.

And some more bird action in the background.


And here is a cardinal and a blue jay mocking me about my hummingbird failure.

I went hiking on Turkey Mountain and found this new (to me) bat nest.

I also found this black colored snake in the middle of the trail. He scooted off by the time I got my phone out and ready.

I also found this guy in the middle of another trail. I let him be.

I checked out the monarch waystation and there are more wildflowers popping up.

I saw this little moth looking creature on one of the blooms. Inaturalist says it is a “gorgone checkerspot.” I’ve never heard of that but I’m going with it for now.


And this doesn’t have anything to do with critters. It’s another jigsaw puzzle. I’m getting to where I am not intimidated by large expanses of sky or water. I’m really enjoying working on online jigsaw puzzles. No pieces are ever lost plus I use the setting where all the pieces are in the right orientation. I know, I am cheating.

I’m linking this to Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Go check it out.

Weekend Critters – Nighttime Creepers

I set my trailcam up on the back porch the other day. At 1 am we had a visitor.

I don’t know whether these are the same bandits or not. I think it is the reason we have had two bird feeders destroyed.

I took the camera down to Beavers Bend and set it up hoping to capture some deer but all I got was this ghostly image of a raccoon. At least I think it is a raccoon.

We have a hummingbird feeder. I have had the camera at it for multiple hours over multiple days and have captured exactly zero hummingbirds. We got a lot of critters in the background though.


Our bird feeders have lots of visitors.


I like the candid shots of them taking off or landing.


It would seem taking off or landing would be harder than flying.

I was hiking on Turkey Mountain the other day. I always keep a sharp eye out for copperheads. I didn’t see any that day but I saw this tiny critter hopping across the trail. At first I though it was a bug but I think it is the world’s smallest frog. Talk about good camo, when he quit moving, I couldn’t see him!

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters with Eileen. Go check it out!!

Saturday’s Critters, Springtime

It’s the love season for dove. Here’s a couple doing some mixed bathing, almost concealed because the blend in so well with the fence.


Mr. Squirrel gets kind of thirsty also.

And we have another cat roaming the back yard at night.


We have lots of sparrows stopping by.

I love the cardinals.

I was walking at Lafortune Park the other day and saw this goose checking everybody out. As I approached it he started acting restless so I backed off so he could chill down.


Grackles everywhere. I run them off whenever I can.


And a brief kerfuffle between a sparrow and a cardinal.


And I completed another jigsaw puzzle on my ipad. I am really slowwwww on these. But they are fun.

I am linking with Saturday’s Critters hosted by Eileen.

Weekend Critters – Birds, Dogs, Squirrels, and Snow

We are having it all this past week. We had 80 degree temps, then snow with well below freezing temperatures. Today we are having dry winds that are going to create a fire hazard. Oklahoma weather in the spring is always interesting.


We’ve kept our feeders full. The squirrels dominate the feeders so I’ve been checking the action underneath. Lots of birds play well with others, dove, juncos, sparrows, cardinals they all see to get along. Bluejays and Grackles are more aggressive.

Sorry about all the orange flagging. The telephone company had all the lines relocated.


Them grackles are like a group of noisy teenagers.

Here at the end of the ten second video a bunch of them fly up to the tree.


We got a finch feeder and guess what, finches showed up.

A little bird bath action

And Rascal, our Pomerania shows up to see what all the fuss is about.

Rascal’s thick warm coat comes in handy when it is snowing. Sorry about the bad photo.

We turned our fireplace on for a little bit. LJ loves the fire.

That’s it for this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out, lots of great posts there.

Saturday’s Critters – Domesticity


Rascal, our Pomeranian (the black blob to the left” sufferred a hip and knee injury some months ago and has been getting therapy including acupuncture and it is really paying off. We have been walking him and Abby for a mile every day and they love it and pout when we can’t take them out. We have a one-mile route through our greenbelt that takes them by the backyards of several houses with dogs. The dogs give each a good barking.

Our lady of leisure, Lizzy, has taken over this tray on our coffee table. She has a number of favorite napping spots in the house.

Here’s an artsy shot of LJ in the shadows getting some sun. Sun is the next best thing to the fireplace for him.


All our multitude of birds have disappeared. I put out the trail cam one day and all I got was this female cardinal, all day long.


I love to capture the blurs of birds as they fly off, so this was a week and a half ago.

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday Critters, come join the party!!

Weekend Critters – Around the House

It got cold here on Tuesday or so. Our Lizzy has discovered the fireplace. She toasts both sides evenly. She hasn’t quite figured out why sometimes it’s not warm there. She will lay in front of it when it is not on with a quizzical look on her face.

She also loves reclining on things like a Roman Empress. The foot of the bed, a stack of freshly laundered towels, she loves leaning on stuff.

And she hates being wakened up from a nap. Here she looks like an unmade bed. Talk about grumpy.

All LJ, Lizzie’s brother, cares about is treats. Greenies or deli turkey slices are his favorite. Here is on the back of the sofa standing watch at the refrigerator.


And here is Abby, our happy girl. She loves eating and giving other dogs a good barking.


And Rascal, our rescue Pomeranian (all our animals are rescues). He’s such a diva. He has a hip injury and gets acupuncture and physical therapy. The ladies that run the place love him and he knows it.


Our in the back yard we are continuing to feed flocks of birds. I love the cardinals especially.


Here is a male making a sideways jump. Male cardinals are divas also.


On the ground below the feeder we have a whole other group of birds including mourning doves and bluejays and tons of sparrows.


Squirrels eat more food than all the birds combined.


Some of them are getting very plump.

Lots of snow, ice and cold weather in the USA right now. I hope everybody is staying warm and safe. There is a burger place here in Tulsa that serves coffee in a cup and saucer. Something about that is warming in itself.

Take care everybody. I am linking with Eileen’s Saturdays Critters. Come join the party!!